Monday 25 January 2016

Outlander Book/TV Show Review!

Hey all,

Today I want to talk about a recent obsession of mine, inspired by the wonderful Sasha from abookutopia. OUTLANDER!!


Words cannot express how much I loved this book, and the first season of the tv show came pretty close. For those of you who are yet to experience the wonders that is Outlander, this novel (previously called Cross Stitch) by Diana Gabaldon, follows the adventures of Claire Randall. Claire is a nurse during WWII, during which time she was unable to see her husband Frank very often. After the war, Frank and Claire take a trip to the Scottish Highlands to reconnect. Whilst exploring some ancient standing stones near Inverness, Claire is transported back in time to 1743. This is where the real excitement starts, and she comes across Jamie Fraser (sigh!). Diana Gabaldon's writing truly fleshes out both the characters and their surroundings, creating such a vivid story.
In short, if you have not read Outlander yet, READ IT!

Similarly, season one of Outlander was incredible. It stuck extremely close to the book for the most part, and further enhanced my new-found love of the Scottish Highlands. I would recommend reading the book first, of course, as I found this really enriched my viewing experience. However, if you find that massive novel a tad daunting, the show is a great way to start!

Book rating: 5/5
TV series rating: 4.75/5


Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, what a read! Despite the amount of action bundled up in this book, due to it's size, Gabaldon managed to ensure that it never felt rushed, or as though too much was happening at once. I absolutely adored every single character in this book. And, I mean, Jamie. What more can I say. The only time I was concerned about the nature of Jamie's character was when he whipped Claire in punishment. At first I was like nooooo Jamie what are you doing you terrible man. However, as I considered it, I reminded myself that we were in 1743, and despite Jamie's actions still being awful, he was extremely kind for that time period.
The story really ended in an unexpected way. I cannot even comprehend what happened to Jamie, and was in absolute agony reading the ordeal of their arrival in France. But now I am super duper excited for a little baby Jamie-Claire in the next book!!!

In regards to the book-tv show comparison, I was extremely impressed. I found it very accurate in the significant aspects of the plot, and nearly every character was as I imagined them when reading (especially Jamie ;)).
The only minor criticism I would give the show was some of the portrayal of Claire. I was watching the series with my parents, neither of whom had read the book before. Whilst I didn't have the need to explain much to them as the story went, they did say that they found Claire a very annoying character. Initially I didn't understand this, mostly due to my bias for the book. But as I considered their points I did begin to notice that Claire was more annoying in the show that in the book. At no point whilst reading Outlander did I find myself frustrated at Claire, however in the show she seemed slightly over-dramatised. This is evidently due to the nature of tv series - they need drama for people to engage entirely. So this small fault I can easily forgive.

Let me know in the comments your thoughts on the Outlander book and tv series! Also feel free to suggest any reviews you'd like me to write, or any book recommendations you may have.

Love always,


Sunday 24 January 2016

Book Blogger TMI Tag!

Hi there!
As my first post on pages of worlds, I thought it would be fun to do a little tag for you to get to know me a bit. First and foremost, my name is Ari and I'm from Australia. Obviously I haven't been tagged by anyone for this, but I first saw the tag on 'The little engine that couldn't''s blog.
 Anyhoo, let's get started!

How old are you?
I've recently (in December) turned 18. Woo, adult life!

What book are you reading?
I am currently reading the second book in the Outlander series, Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon. And holy dooley it is amazing.

What are you wearing?
A purple dress!

I find it impossible to choose only one, so I've narrowed down my faves:
Ron and Hermione
Dorian and Celaena
Tessa and Jem (I used to be Will and Tessa but lately have been leaning towards Jessa!)

Blogger or Wordpress?
Blogger at the moment.

Going outside being active or staying in and reading a book?
Reading a book, every time!!

What is the last book you read?
Graceling, by Kristin Cashore. Absolutely loved it, 5/5!

What is the book you're going to read next?
It depends on when my Book Depository order arrives, but possibly These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner.

Ebooks - yes or no?
Personally, no. Just because I've worked in an independent bookshop and seen the effect that they are having on the book industry. However, I do appreciate the appeal and don't have a problem with people using them.

Where do you prefer to read?
If I'm at college, in bed. If I'm at home, on the lounge in my office/library room.

Who is the last person you tweeted?
I'm relatively new to twitter so am not very active on there, but Diana Gabaldon #queen.

Whose blog did you last look at?
The little engine that couldn't, where I saw this tag!

Who is your favourite blogger?
Sasha Alsberg, from abookutopia!

Who is your favourite book-tuber?
Same as the last question, however I also love Andreya, from Little Yellow Bookshop.

What do you do when someone tells you reading is boring?
Stare at them uncomprehendingly.

Who is the last author you spoke to?
David Burton, the author of How to be Happy. I participated in a theatre course where he was running a scriptwriting workshop!

Who is the last person you texted?
One of my best friends who I went to high school with.

Who is your all-time favourite book character?
Aaaah how can I choose one?!? I'd ultimately have to go with Hermione from Harry Potter, because she really helped to shape me into the person I am today. As with so many other HP fans, she let me know that it's okay to love learning and reading, and for that I will forever be grateful to QUEEN Jo Rowling.

I really don't have a preference, and I think I probably read a balance of the two.

What is your preferred drink while reading?
Tea, tea and more tea!

If you hated reading, what would you be doing instead?
Probably painting or knitting. But seriously, it hurts me to think of a world where I hated reading.

How many bookshelves do you have?
Three, but they are crazy overflowing and it won't be long before I'll have to invest in another I reckon!

If you had the choice to meet all your favourite book bloggers, or all your favourite authors who would you pick?
My favourite authors, because that would mean meeting J K Rowling, and need I say more??

Insta-love: yes or no?
As a bit of a hopeless romantic, it doesn't really bother me as much as it seems to most other readers. However, it does need to be done well in order to not sound completely cheesy.

Favourite author?
Forever and always,  J K Rowling.

What is the number one book on your wishlist?
Cinder by Marissa Meyer! I've heard SO much about the Lunar Chronicles series on booktube and book blogs and I need to get my hands on them!!!

Do you prefer books with female or male protagonists?
Female, because I find them easier to relate to.

Which is your favourite book-to-film adaptation?
Apart from the entire HP series, which I feel like I am answering with for too many questions in this post, I would have to say Divergent, or The Fault in Our Stars. Also special mention to The Hunger Games series! (How freaking incredible was Mockingjay Part 1!!)

What is the last song you listened to?
Youth, by Troye Sivan. Absolutely love him.

Which do you enjoy reading more - positive or negative reviews?
While I do find negative reviews interesting, I prefer positive reviews, particularly of books I've read and loved so that I can fangirl with bloggers about them!

Who are you going to tag?
All of you!

Have a wonderful day, let me know in the comments if you've done this tag, or what your OTP is!

Love always,

 P.S. If you use bloglovin, you can follow my blog here. :)